Friday 21 October 2011

Help me Ya Allah, I really need Your Help

help me ya Allah
Today I really confuse with the situation that I have to face tomorrow and I don't know what do I have to do and where to go to find some help. so I beg to You, ya Allah, Help me ya Allah, I really need Your help, I really do. and this is what I felt and I describe in I love Allah I love Rasulullah, help me Allah, I really need Your help.
Islamic wallpaper of nature
today I love Allah I love Rasulullah bring it on the Islamic Wallpaper of Nature, because by seeing the beauty of nature, probably we will remember the Greatest of Allah, because Allah create it without any problem at all. But now human is ruin and destroying all the beauty with they greedy and the problem is only one thing which is money.
My life is belong to Allah
After through a rough days and hard life in almost few months, once again I have to make myself remember that my life is belong to Allah, so don't worry about everything what happen in this life, we have to trust Allah and with this Islamic Wallpaper from I love Allah I love Rasulullah I'll try to make myself always remember that. so, forgive me Allah if I ever doubt You and to Rasulullah please, I want to know you better.